
.Net Visual Basic compiler.

      VBC.exe program.vb options

   @(Response-File)      A response file.
   -additionalfile       Additional files that don’t directly affect code generation but may be used by analyzers for errors/warnings.
   -addmodule:fileList   Causes the compiler to make all type information from the specified file(s) available to the project.
   -analyzer             Run the analyzers from this assembly (Short form: -a)
   -baseaddress:address  The base address when creating a DLL.
   -bugreport:file       Create a file that contains information that makes it easy to report a bug.
   -checksumAlgorithm:{SHA1, SHA256}. The algorithm for calculating the source file checksum stored in PDB.
                         Due to collision problems with SHA1, Microsoft recommends SHA256 or better.
   -codepage:id          The code page to use for all source code files in the compilation.
   -debug:[full | pdbonly]  Produce debugging information.
   -define:symbol=value,..  Define symbols for conditional compilation.
   -delaysign           Specifies whether the assembly will be fully or partially signed.
   -deterministic       Output an assembly whose binary content is identical across compilations if inputs are identical.
   -doc:file            Process documentation comments to an XML file.
   -errorreport{ prompt | queue | send | none }     Report VB internal compiler errors (ICE) to the VB team at Microsoft.
   -filealign            Where to align the sections of the output file,most developers do not need to use this option.
   -help                 Display compiler options. The same as -? No compilation occurs.
   -highentropyva[+ | -]   Support high entropy Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR).
   -imports:namespaceList  Import a namespace from a specified assembly.
   -keycontainer:container A key container name for a key pair to give an assembly a strong name.
   -keyfile:file         A file that contains a key or key pair to give an assembly a strong name.
   -langversion:version  Language version: 9|9.0|10|10.0|11|11.0.
   -libpath:dirList      The location of assemblies referenced by the -reference option.
   -link:fileList        Make COM type information in the specified assemblies available to the project.
   -linkresource:filename[,identifier[,public|private]]     Create a link to a managed resource.
   -main:location        A class that contains the Sub Main procedure to use at startup.
   -moduleassemblyname:assembly_name     The name of an assembly that a module will be a part of.
   -modulename: string   The name of the source module
   -netcf                Set the compiler to target the .NET Compact Framework.
   -noconfig             Do not compile with Vbc.rsp.
   -nologo               Suppress compiler banner information.
   -nostdlib             Causes the compiler not to reference the standard libraries.
   -nowarn[:numberList]  Warning ID numbers that the compiler should suppress. If no IDs in list all warnings are suppressed.
   -nowin32manifest      Instructs the compiler not to embed any application manifest into the executable file.
   -optimize[ + | - ]    Enables or disable code optimization.
   -optioncompare:{binary | text}     Whether string comparisons should be binary or use locale-specific text semantics.
   -optionexplicit       Enforce explicit declaration of variables, does not override source code statements.
   -optioninfer          Enable the use of local type inference in variable declarations.
   -optionstrict         Enforces strict language semantics.
   -out:filename         The output file.
   -parallel[+|-]        Whether to use concurrent build (+).
   -platform{ x86 | x64 | Itanium | arm | anycpu | anycpu32bitpreferred } The processor to target for the output file.
   -preferreduilang      The preferred output language name.
   -quiet                Prevent the compiler from displaying code for syntax-related errors and warnings.
   -recurse:[dir\]file   Search subdirectories for source files to compile.
   -reference:fileList   Import metadata from an assembly.
   -refonly              Output only a reference assembly.
   -refout:filepath      The output path of a reference assembly.
   -removeintchecks[+ | -]     Disable [-] or Enable[+] integer overflow checking.
   -resource:filename[,identifier[,public|private]]  Embed a managed resource in an assembly.
   -rootnamespace:namespace  A namespace for all type declarations.
   -ruleset:file         A ruleset file that disables specific diagnostics.
   -sdkpath:path         Specifies the location of Mscorlib.dll and Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll.
   -subsystemversion:major.minor     The minimum version of the subsystem that the generated executable file can use.
   -target:{exe | library | module | winexe | appcontainerexe | winmdobj}     The format of the output file.
   -utf8output           Display compiler output using UTF-8 encoding.
   -vbruntime:{ - | + | * | path }   Compile with or without a reference to the VB Runtime Library, or with
                         a reference to a specific runtime library.
   -verbose              Output extra information during compilation.
   -warnaserror          Promote warnings to errors.
   -win32icon:filename   Insert an .ico file into the output file.
   -win32manifest:fileName  A user-defined Win32 application manifest to embed into the project’s portable executable (PE) file.
   -win32resource:filename  Insert a Win32 resource into the output file.
   -?                    Display compiler options. The same as -help. No compilation occurs.

VBC is not on the default system PATH.

The .Net 2.0 vbc.exe is located in the system drive/path at

The .Net 4.0 vbc.exe is located in the system drive/path at

The .Net 2.0 vbc.exe 64 bit is located in the system drive/path at

The .Net 4.0 vbc.exe 64 bit is located in the system drive/path at


Compile a VB program to create an executable:

C:\> C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\vbc "C:\code\demo.vb" /out:"C:\code\demo.exe" /target:exe

“One resolution I have made, and try always to keep, is this: To rise above little things” ~ John Burroughs

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Visual Basic command-line compiler - Microsoft

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