
Change the start mode/properties/status of a service.

      Set-Service [-name] string[] [ -displayName string ]
         [-description string] [-startupType { Automatic | Manual | Disabled }]
              [-Status string] [-ComputerName string[]] [-PassThru]
                 [-whatIf] [-confirm] [CommonParameters]

      Set-Service [-InputObject ServiceController] [ -displayName string ]
         [-description string] [-startupType { Automatic | Manual | Disabled }]
              [-Status string] [-ComputerName string[]] [-PassThru]
                 [-whatIf] [-confirm] [CommonParameters]
       Service name(s) to change. Wildcards are not permitted. 
       The service name may be piped.

   -DisplayName string
       A new display name for the Service. 

   -Description string
       A new description for the service.

   -ComputerName string[]
       Specify one or more computers. The default is the local computer. 
       Type the NetBIOS name, an IP address, or a fully qualified domain name
       of a remote computer.
       To specify the local computer, type the computer name, a dot (.), or "localhost".

       This parameter does not rely on PowerShell remoting.

   -InputObject ServiceController
       A ServiceController object that represents the service to be changed.
       Enter a variable that contains the object, or type a command or
       expression that gets the object, such as a Get-Service command.
       May be piped.

   -StartupType ServiceStartMode
       Change the starting mode of the service: Automatic or Manual or Disabled.

   -Status string
      Start, stop, or suspend (pause) the service.  Valid values are:
         Running  Start the service.
         Stopped  Stop the service.
         Paused   Suspend the service.

       Return objects that represent the services changed.

       Describe what would happen if you executed the command without
       actually executing the command.

       Prompt for confirmation before executing the command.


Set the start type of the sysmonlog service to automatic:

PS C:\> Set-Service sysmonlog -startuptype automatic

Display the start type of all services on the computer:

PS C:\> Get-CimInstance win32_service | Format-Table Name, StartMode -autosize

Display the start type of the telnet service on the computer:

PS C:\> Get-CimInstance win32_service | where {$_.Name -eq "tlntsvr"}

Change the display name of the lanmanworkstation service to "LanMan Workstation". (The default is "Workstation".):

PS C:\> Set-Service -name lanmanworkstation -DisplayName "LanMan Workstation"

Change the description of the Task Scheduler service on the machine Server64:

PS C:\> Set-Service -name Schedule -computername Server64 -description "Configures and schedules tasks."
PS C:\> Get-CimInstance win32_service -computername Server64 | where-object {$_.Name -eq "Schedule"} | Format-List Name, Description

Set multiple services to a manual startup:

$services = @(
ForEach ($service in $services) {
      # -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue in case the service doesn’t exist
      Get-Service -Name $service -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
      Set-Service -StartupType Manual

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Related PowerShell Cmdlets

Get-Service - Get a list of services.
New-Service - Create a new service.
- Restart a stopped service.
- Resume a suspended service.
- Start a stopped service.
- Stop a running service.
- Suspend a running service.
Equivalent Windows commands: NET START / SC - Start/Stop Service.

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