
Divide a file into several parts (columns)
Writes to standard output selected parts of each line of each input file, or standard input if no files are given or for a file name of '-'.

     cut [OPTION]... [FILE]...

In the options below, BYTE-LIST, CHARACTER-LIST, and FIELD-LIST are one or more numbers or ranges (two numbers separated by a dash)

Bytes, characters, and fields are are numbered starting at 1 and separated by commas.
Incomplete ranges can be given: -M means 1-M  ;  N- means N through end of line or last field.


        Print only the bytes in positions listed in BYTE-LIST.  Tabs and backspaces
        are treated like any other character; they take up 1 byte.

        Print only characters in positions listed in CHARACTER-LIST.  The same as '-b'
        for now, but internationalization will change that.
        Tabs and backspaces are treated like any other character; they take up 1 character.

        Print only the fields listed in FIELD-LIST.  Fields are separated by a TAB character by default.

        For '-f', fields are separated in the input by the first character in INPUT_DELIM_BYTE
        (default is TAB).

        Do not split multi-byte characters (no-op for now).

        For '-f', do not print lines that do not contain the field separator character.

        For '-f', output fields are separated by OUTPUT_DELIM_STRING The default is to use
        the input delimiter.


Parse out column 2 from a semicolon (;) delimited file:

$ cat myfile.txt | cut -d \; -f 2 > output.txt

“It seemed the world was divided into good and bad people. The good ones slept better... while the bad ones seemed to enjoy the waking hours much more” ~ Woody Allen

Related Linux commands

csplit - Split a file into context-determined pieces.
fmt - Reformat paragraph text.
fold - Wrap input lines to fit in specified width.
head - Output the first part of file(s).
join - Join lines on a common field.
paste - Merge lines of files.
split - Split a file into fixed-size pieces.
tail - Output the last part of files.
Equivalent Windows command: FOR /F - Conditionally perform a command on items in a text file.
Equivalents in Windows Batch/Perl Script - CUT Scripts

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