
Display, set, or remove environment variables, Run a command in a modified environment.

     env [OPTION]... [NAME=VALUE]... [COMMAND [ARGS]...]


  -u NAME
       Remove variable NAME from the environment, if it was in the environment.

       Start with an empty environment, ignoring the inherited  environment.

Arguments of the form 'VARIABLE=VALUE' set the environment variable VARIABLE to value VALUE.

VALUE can be empty ('VARIABLE='). Setting a variable to an empty value is different from unsetting it.

The first remaining argument specifies the program name to invoke; it is searched for according to the 'PATH' environment variable. Any remaining arguments are passed as arguments to that program.

If no command name is specified following the environment specifications, the resulting environment is printed. This is like specifying a command name of 'printenv'.

“It isn’t the pollution that is harming the environment, it’s the impurities in the air and water” ~ Dan Quayle

Related Linux commands

export - Set an environment variable.
hostname - Print or set system name.
local - Create variables.
logname - Print current login name.
printenv - Print environment variables.
readonly - Mark variables/functions as readonly.
Bash shell variables
set - Manipulate shell variables and functions.
shift - Shift positional parameters.
shopt - Shell Options.
uname - Print system information.
unset - Remove variable or function names.
who - Print who is currently logged in.
Equivalent Windows command: SET / SETX - Display, set, or remove environment variables.

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