Query Termserver / Qappsrv

Display a list of all Terminal server or a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) servers on the network.

      QUERY TERMSERVER [ServerName] [/domain:Domain] [/address] [/continue]

   ServerName     The RD Session Host server name.

   /domain:Domain The domain to query for terminal servers.
                  default = current domain.

   /address       Display the network and node addresses for each server.

   /continue      Don’t pause after each screen of information is displayed.

   /?             Display help.

Qappsrv is a synonym for QUERY TERMSERVER

QUERY TERMSERVER returns the following information:


Display information about all RD Session Host servers on the network:

C:\> query termserver

Display information about the RD Session Host server named Server64:

C:\> query termserver Server64

Display the network and node address for the RD Session Host server named Server64:

C:\> query termserver Server64 /address

“Big machines are the awe-inspiring cathedrals of the 20th century” ~ Daniel Kleppner

Related commands

Query Process - Display processes (TS/Remote Desktop).
Query Session - Display all sessions (TS/Remote Desktop).
Query User - Display user sessions (TS/Remote Desktop).
CHANGE - Change Terminal Server Session properties.
MSTSC - Terminal Server Connection (Remote Desktop Protocol).

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