cal / ncal

Display a calendar. ncal offers an alternative layout, more options and the date of easter.

     cal [-jy] [[month] year]

     cal [-j] -m month [year]

     ncal [-jJpwy] [-s country_code] [[month] year]

     ncal [-Jeo] [year]

   -J       Display Julian Calendar, if combined with the -e option, display
            date of easter according to the Julian Calendar.

   -e       Display date of easter (for western churches).

   -j       Display Julian days (days one-based, numbered from January 1).

   -m month Display the specified month.

   -o       Display date of orthodox easter (Greek and Russian Orthodox Churches).

   -p       Print the country codes and switching days from Julian to Grego-
            rian Calendar as they are assumed by ncal.  The country code as
            determined from the local environment is marked with an asterisk.

   -s country_code
            Assume the switch from Julian to Gregorian Calendar at the date
            associated with the country_code.  If not specified, ncal tries
            to guess the switch date from the local environment or falls back
            to September 2, 1752.  This was when Great Britain and her
            colonies switched to the Gregorian Calendar.

   -w       Print the number of the week below each week column.

   -y       Display a calendar for the specified year.

If a single parameter is provided, that will specify a 4 digit year (1 - 9999) to display.

If two parameters are provided, they will denote the Month (1 - 12) and Year (1 - 9999).

If no arguments are specified, the current month is displayed.

cal Displays weeks starting on Sunday, even though most locales start the week on Monday.

ncal (New Calendar) Displays a vertical layout starting on Monday and displays the date of easter.
The ncal format makes a year fit on a 25x80 terminal.

If no parameters are specified, the current month’s calendar is displayed.

The year must be specified with 4 digits. A year starts on 01 Jan.


Show the calendar for 2025:

$ cal 2025

Copy the calendar to the clipboard:

$ cal | pbcopy

“If everything seems under control, then you're not going fast enough” ~ Mario Andretti

Related macOS commands

calendar - reminder service.
dc - Desk Calculator.
units - Convert units from one scale to another.
wc - Print byte, word, and line counts.
Calculate the day of the week, for any date, in your head

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