
Export the current console configuration to a file so that you can reuse or share it. The console configuration saved will include snap-ins and console properties. The file can then be specified when PowerShell is opened making the snap-in available immediately.

      Export-Console [[-path] string] [-Force] [-NoClobber]
         [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [CommonParameters]

   -Path string
       The path to the console file (*.psc1).

       If you type only a file name, Export-Console creates a file (with the ".psc1" extension) 
       in the current directory.

       This parameter is required unless you have opened PowerShell with the PSConsoleFile parameter
       or exported a console file during the current session.
       It is also required when you use the NoClobber parameter to prevent the current console file
       from being overwritten.

       If you omit -path, Export-Console will overwrite the console file that was used 
       most recently in this session. The path to the most recently used console file is stored in
       the $ConsoleFileName automatic variable. For more information, see about_Automatic_Variables.

       Overwrite the data in a console file without warning, even if the file
       has the read-only attribute. The read-only attribute is changed and is not
       reset when the command completes.

       Do not overwrite the contents of an existing file.
       The default is to overwrite without warning.

       Describe what would happen if you executed the command without actually
       executing the command.
       Prompt for confirmation before executing the command.

If you type only a filename as the Path, PowerShell will create a (.psc1) file in the current directory.

If Export-Console is run repeatedly in the same session, then -Path may be omitted, in this case Export-Console will overwrite the last console file written to.


Export the current console configuration:

PS C:>export-console -path $pshome\Consoles\ConsoleS1.psc1

The $pshome variable holds the path to the PowerShell home (installation) folder.

Start a Windows PowerShell session with a set of stored console settings:

PS C:>powershell.exe -PsConsoleFile $pshome\Consoles\ConsoleS1.psc1

“Love all. Trust a few. Do wrong to none” ~ William Shakespeare

Related PowerShell Cmdlets

add-PSSnapIn - Add snap-ins to the console.
get-PSSnapin - List PowerShell snap-ins on this computer .
Remove-PSSnapin - Remove PowerShell snap-ins from the console.

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