
Import an alias list from a file.

      Import-Alias [-path] string [-passThru] [-scope string]
         [-force] [-whatIf] [-confirm] [CommonParameters]

   -Path path
        The path to the item {may be piped}
        Wildcards are allowed but they must resolve to a single name.

        Pass the object created by Import-Alias through the pipeline.

   -scope string
       The scope to apply to the imported aliases.
       Valid values are "Global", "Local", or "Script", or a number relative
       to the current scope ( 0 through the number of scopes, where 0 is the
       current scope and 1 is its parent). "Local" is the default.
       For more, type "get-help about_scope".

       Allows importing/overwriting an alias that is already defined and has
       the read-only option set. For currently-defined aliases see:
         get-alias | Select-Object name,Options

       Describe what would happen if you executed the command without actually
       executing the command.

       Prompt for confirmation before executing the command.

Standard Aliases for Import-Alias: ipal


Import alias info from SS64.txt:

PS C:\> Import-Alias SS64.txt

"What’s in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet” ~ Shakespeare

Related PowerShell Cmdlets

export-alias - Export an alias list to a file.
get-alias - Return alias names for Cmdlets.
new-alias - Create a new Cmdlet-alias pairing.
set-alias - Map an alias to a Cmdlet.

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