
Install one or more software packages on the local computer.

      Install-Package [-Name] String[]  [-RequiredVersion String] [-MinimumVersion String] [-MaximumVersion String]
         [-AllVersions] [-Source String[]]  [-Credential PSCredential] [-Proxy Uri] [-ProxyCredential PSCredential]
            [-Force]  [-ForceBootstrap]
               [-ProviderName {msi | NuGet | msu |  Programs | PowerShellGet | psl | chocolatey}]
                  [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [CommonParameters]

      Install-Package [-InputObject] SoftwareIdentity[] [-AllVersions] [-Credential PSCredential] 
         [-Force] [-ForceBootstrap] [-Proxy Uri] [-ProxyCredential PSCredential]
            [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [CommonParameters]

      Install-Package [-AllVersions] [-AllowPrereleaseVersions] [-ConfigFile String] [-Contains String] 
         [-Credential PSCredential] [-Destination String] [-ExcludeVersion] [-FilterOnTag String[]]
            [-Headers String[]] [-Force] [-ForceBootstrap] [-Proxy ] [-ProxyCredential PSCredential]
               [-Scope {CurrentUser | AllUsers}] [-SkipDependencies] [-SkipValidate]
                  [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [CommonParameters]
      Install-Package [-AcceptLicense] [-AllVersions] [-AllowClobber] [-Command String[]] [-Credential PSCredential] 
         [-DscResource String[] ] [-Filter String] [-Force] [-ForceBootstrap]
            [-Includes {DscResource | Cmdlet | Function | Workflow | RoleCapability}] [-RoleCapability String[]]
               [-InstallUpdate] [-NoPathUpdate] [-PackageManagementProvider String] 
                  [-Proxy Uri] [-ProxyCredential PSCredential] [-PublishLocation String]
                     [-Scope {CurrentUser | AllUsers}] [-ScriptPublishLocation String]
                        [-ScriptSourceLocation String] [-SkipPublisherCheck] [-Tag String[]]
                           [-Type {Module | Script | All}]
                              [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [CommonParameters]

PowerShell 5.1 only:
      Install-Package [-AdditionalArguments String[]]   [-Credential PSCredential] [-Proxy Uri]
         [-ProxyCredential PSCredential] [-AllVersions] [-Force] [-ForceBootstrap]
            [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [CommonParameters]

PowerShell 5.1 only:
      Install-Package [-AllVersions] [-Credential ] [-Force] [-ForceBootstrap] 
         [-IncludeSystemComponent] [-IncludeWindowsInstaller] [-Proxy ] [-ProxyCredential ]
            [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [CommonParameters]

       Automatically accept the license agreement during installation.

   -AdditionalArguments String[]
       One or more additional arguments for installation.
       Indicates that this cmdlet installs all available versions of the package.
       By default, Install-Package only installs the newest available version.
       Override warning messages about conflicts with existing commands.
       Overwrite any existing commands that have the same name as commands being installed.
       Allow the installation of packages marked as prerelease.
   -Command String[]
       One or more commands for which Find-Package searches.
   -ConfigFile String
       A path that contains a configuration file.
       Prompt for confirmation before running the cmdlet.
   -Contains String
       Get objects if the -Contains parameter specifies a value that matches any of the object’s property values.
   -Credential PSCredential
       A user account that has permission to access the computer and run commands.
       Type a user name, such as User64, Domain01\User64, or enter a PSCredential object, generated by
       the Get-Credential cmdlet. If you enter a user name, you will be prompted for the password.
       When the -Credential parameter isn’t specified, Install-Package will use the current user.
   -Destination String
       A path to an input object.
   -DscResource String[]
       One or more Desired State Configuration (DSC) resources that are searched by Install-Package.
       Use the Find-DscResource cmdlet to find DSC resources.
       Switch to exclude the version number in the folder path.
   -Filter String
       Terms to search for within the Name and Description properties.
   -FilterOnTag String[]
       A tag that filters results and excludes results that don’t contain the specified tag.
       Force the command to run without asking for user confirmation.
       Override any restrictions that prevent Install-Package from succeeding, with the exception of security.
       Force PackageManagement to automatically install the package provider for the specified package.
   -Headers String[]
       Specifies the package headers.
       Include system components in the results.
       Include the Windows installer in the results.
   -Includes String[]
       Whether Install-Package should find all package types. 
       Accepted values: Cmdlet, DscResource, Function, RoleCapability, Workflow
   -InputObject SoftwareIdentity[]
       Specifies a package by using the package’s SoftwareIdentity type.
       Accepts pipeline input.
       Find-Package outputs a SoftwareIdentity object.
       Install updates.
   -MaximumVersion String
       The maximum allowed version of the package that you want to find. If you do not specify this 
       parameter, Install-Package installs the package’s newest version.
   -MinimumVersion String
       The minimum allowed version of the package that you want to find. If you do not add this parameter, Install-Package
       will install the package’s newest version that satisfies any version specified by the -MaximumVersion parameter.
   -Name String[]
       One or more package names. Multiple names must be separated by commas.
       NoPathUpdate only applies to the Install-Script cmdlet.
       NoPathUpdate is a dynamic parameter added by the provider and isn’t supported by Install-Package.
   -PackageManagementProvider String
       The name of the Package Management provider.
   -ProviderName String[]
       One or more package provider names to which to scope your package search. You can get package 
       provider names by running Get-PackageProvider.
   -Proxy Uri
       A proxy server for the request, rather than connecting directly to an internet resource.

   -ProxyCredential PSCredential
       A user account that has permission to use the proxy server specified by the -Proxy parameter.

   -PublishLocation String
       A location for publishing the package.

   -RequiredVersion String
       Specifies the exact allowed version of the package that you want to install. If you do not add this parameter, 
       Install-Package installs the newest available version of the package that also satisfies any maximum version 
       specified by the MaximumVersion parameter.

   -RoleCapability String[]
       An array of role capabilities.

   -Scope String
       Specifies the scope to which to install the package.
       Accepted values: CurrentUser, AllUsers

   -ScriptPublishLocation String
       The path to a script’s published location.

   -ScriptSourceLocation String
       The script source location.

       Skip the installation of software dependencies.

       Allow a package version that is newer than your installed version.
       For example, an installed package that is digitally signed by a trusted publisher but a new version isn’t digitally signed.

       Skip validating the credentials of a package.

   -Source String[]
       Specifies one or more package sources. Multiple package source names must be separated by commas. You can get 
       package source names by running the Get-PackageSource cmdlet.

   -Tag String[]
       One or more strings to search for in the package metadata.
   -Type String
       Whether to search for packages with a module, a script, or both. 
       Accepted values: Module, Script, All

      Describe what would happen if you executed the command, without actually executing the command.

Install-Package installs one or more software packages on the local computer.
If you have multiple software sources, use Get-PackageProvider and Get-PackageSource to display details about your providers.


Install a software package and its dependencies:

PS C:\> Install-Package -Name NuGet.Core -Source MyNuGet -Credential ss64dom\User64

Use Find-Package to install a package:

PS C:\> Find-Package -Name NuGet.Core -Source MyNuGet | Install-Package

Install from a local .MSI:

PS C:\> Install-Package .\demofile.msi

note this does not allow passing parameters to the MSI,
to do that use Start-Process msiexec.exe -ArgumentList 'arg1' 123 ...

Install packages by specifying a range of versions:

PS C:\> Install-Package -Name NuGet.Core -Source MyNuGet -MinimumVersion 2.8.0 -MaximumVersion 2.9.0

“If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian” ~ Paul McCartney

Related PowerShell Cmdlets

Get-InstalledModule - Get installed modules on a computer.
Find-Module - Find a module (PowerShellGet).
import-module - Add modules to the current session from a local path.
Uninstall-Module - Uninstall a module.
Uninstall-WindowsFeature - Uninstall/remove roles, role services, and features (2012 R2).
Update-Module - Update a module.
Install-Script - Install a script (PowerShellGet).
Get-WindowsFeature - Retrieve roles, role services, and features.

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