How-to: Find circular nested AD groups.

If an Active Directory(AD) group has another AD group as both its parent and as a child member you have a circular nested reference.

Why would that matter?
There is no technical reason preventing the use of circular references between AD groups, Active Directory can still calculate and grant access. The main reason that circular references are considered harmful is that they tend to make management more difficult.

In a well structured Active Directory every group will have a single purpose, ideally with people and resources in separate groups and following a clear hierarchy. If the personnel group is a member of the color_printing group and the color_printing group is also a member of the personnel group, then neither group has a single clear purpose, both groups are now granting two permissions. Circular references are often the cause of unintended privilege escalation.

# Get-CircularGroups.ps1
# List all AD groups that contain one or more circular nested groups
# outputs the parent group's DN and a list of the nested groups.

# Limitations
# The script works by scanning through every group, so any circular relationships
# will be listed twice, once for the parent group and once for the child.

# ADSI has a limit of 1500 items for a multi-valued attribute so 
# groups containing more than 1500 members may return the error:
#  "Get-ADGroupMember : The size limit for this request was exceeded.."

# If a circular relationship exists between a large (>1500) group and small one,
# the script may fail enumerating the large group, but still detect the circular
# relationship against the small one.

# This script only checks direct members: A>B>A
# inherited circular memberships A>B>C>A will not be detected.

Import-Module Activedirectory

Write-Host "Get-CircularGroups - Search for nested groups - getting Groups"
# Retrieve all top/parent level AD groups.
$Parents = get-adgroup -ResultPageSize 1000 -filter 'ObjectClass -eq "group"'

# Loop through each parent group
ForEach ($Parent in $Parents)
   [int]$Len = 0
   # Create an array of the group members, limited to sub-groups (not users)
   $Children = @(Get-ADGroupMember $Parent | where {$_.objectClass -eq "group"} )
   $Len = @($Children).Count

   if ($Len -eq 1) {"$Parent contains 1 group"}
   elseif ($Len -gt 0) {"$Parent contains $Len groups"}
   if ($Len -gt 0)
   "--check nesting"
      ForEach ($Child in $Children)
         # Now find any member of $Child which is also the childs $Parent
         $nested = @(Get-ADGroupMember $Child | where {$_.objectClass -eq "group" -and "$_" -eq "$Parent"} )
         $NestCount = @($nested).Count
         if ($NestCount -gt 0)
           " "
           "   Found a circular nested group: "
           "   $nested is both a parent and a member of:"
           "   $Child"
           "   ========================================"

“There nearly always is method in madness. It’s what drives men mad, being methodical” ~ G. K. Chesterton

Related PowerShell Cmdlets

Get-adGroup - Get one or more AD groups.
Get-ADCircularGroups - Function to find instances of circular nested groups.
Find Recursive AD Memberships - With an LDAP filter via
Richard Mueller - CircularNestedGroups.ps1 [script] - Find circular nested groups (fast but fails for >1500 members).

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