
Filesystem consistency check and interactive repair. Journaling file systems avoid the need to run fsck.

      fsck [options] [filesystem] ...

  --     Pass all subsequent options to filesystem-specific checker.
         All options that fsck doesn’t recognize will also be passed.

  -r     Interactive mode; prompt before making any repairs.

  -s     Serial mode.

  -t fstype
         Specify the filesystem type. Do not check filesystems of any other type.

  -A     Check all filesystems listed in /etc/fstab.

  -N     Suppress normal execution; just display what would be done.

  -R     Meaningful only with -A: check all filesystems listed in /etc/fstab except the root filesystem.

  -T     Suppress printing of title.

  -V     Verbose mode.


  1    Errors were found and corrected.
  2    Reboot suggested.
  4    Errors were found but not corrected.
  8    fsck encountered an operational error.
  16   fsck was called incorrectly.
  128  A shared library error was detected.

The return status is the exit status of the last command executed in consequent-commands, or zero if none were executed.

Dennis Ritchie: “So fsck was originally called something else”
Question: “What was it called?”
Dennis Ritchie: "Well, the second letter was different” ~ Q&A at Usenix

Related Linux commands

reboot - Reboot the machine.
ext2 File System (non journaling).
ext3 File System - Red Hat Journaling File System.
ddrescue - Data recovery tool.
Equivalent Windows command: CHKDSK - Check Disk - check and repair disk problems.

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