Load PerfMon performance counters (update registry values).

      LODCTR option


      An initialization file that contains  the counter name definitions and
      explain text for an extensible counter DLL.

      Upgrade counter text strings using filename.

      Upgrade help text strings using filename.

      Specifies the language for the /C and /H options.

      Save the current perf registry strings and info to Backup-FileName

      Restore the perf registry strings and info using Backup-FileName

      Rebuild the perf registry strings and info from scratch based on the current 
      registry settings and backup INI files.
      Often required if Perfmon crashes, or the server is rebooted while perfmon is running.

      Set the performance counter service as trusted.

      Enable the performance counter service.

      Disable the performance counter service.

      Query all performance counter service information

      Query specific performance counter service information.

   /M:Counter-Manifest [Installation-Path]
      Install a 2.0 performance counter provider using the specified XML manifest.
      The installation requires a full path to the DLL containing the perf counter resources (localized  strings).
      The path to the DLL will be determined as follows:
         If the applicationIdentity attribute in the manifest is a full path, that will be used.
          Otherwise, if Installation-Path is provided and is a full path, that will be used.
          Otherwise, if Counter-Manifest is a full path, the directory from Counter-Manifest will be
          combined with the DLL name from the applicationIdentity attribute in the manifest.
          Otherwise, the current directory will be combined with the DLL name from the
          applicationIdentity attribute in the manifest.

   /? Display help.

Any arguments with spaces in the names must be enclosed within "Double Quotation" marks.
The Microsoft online help for the command is currently incomplete, run LODCTR /? to check which options are available on your machine.


Rebuild the performance counters:

C:\> lodctr /r

“People count up the faults of those who keep them waiting” ~ French Proverb

Related commands

LOGMAN - Manage Performance Monitor logs.
Equivalent PowerShell: New-Object System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.

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