PsGetSid.exe / PsGetSid64.exe(SysInternals)

Display the SID of a computer or a user.

      PsGetSid.exe [\\computer[,computer[,...] | @get_file] [-u user [-p passwd]]] [account|SID]


   computer   The remote computer on which to list files. Default = local system 

   @get_file  Get the SID of every computer listed in the text file specified.
   -p passwd  Specify a password for user (optional). Passed as clear text.
              If omitted, you will be prompted to enter a hidden password.

   -u user    Specify a username for login to remote computer(optional).

   account    The user account to resolve to a user SID

   SID        A User account System Identifier 

   -accepteula Suppress the display of the license dialog.

Specify a user name if the account you are running from doesn’t have administrative privileges on the computer you want to query.

To retrieve a computer SID pass the computer’s name.
To retrieve a user account SID, pass the account name (e.g. "-u administrator") on the command-line, and optionally the computer name.

Obtaining the Users SID makes it possible to update specific user registry hives under HKey_Users

When installing psGetSid.exe just ensure it is placed somewhere in either the system PATH or in the current directory.

When launched for the first time, PsGetSid will prompt you to accept the EULA.
You can avoid this by writing the license registry key:

Set-ItemProperty -Path 'Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sysinternals' -Name 'EulaAccepted' -Value 1


Get the SID of \\workstation64:

C:\> psgetsid.exe \\workstation64

Get the computer SID for the computer at IP address

C:\> psgetsid.exe \\

Get the domain SID for the domain ss64Dom:

C:\> psgetsid ss64Dom

Get the SID for the user CaraJ from workstation64:

C:\> psgetsid \\workstation64 -u CaraJ

Get the SID for the currently logged-in user and place in a variable:

@Echo Off
For /f "tokens=1 skip=1" %%G in ('psgetsid.exe %username% -accepteula 2^>nul') do set _SID=%%G

“From the first time I saw Sid Caesar be funny I knew that’s what I had to do” ~ Billy Crystal

Related commands

SYSTEMINFO - List system configuration.
Q243330 - Well-known security identifiers (sids) in Windows Operating Systems.

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