PsSuspend.exe / PsSuspend64.exe (SysInternals)

Suspend processes on the local or a remote system.

      pssuspend [- ] [-r] [\\computer [-u user] [-p passwd]] <process name | process id>


   computer   The computer on which the service resides. Default=local system 

   -p passwd  Specify a password for user (optional). Passed as clear text.
              If omitted, you will be prompted to enter a hidden password.

   -u user    Specify a user name for login to remote computer(optional).

   -r         Resume the processes specified if they are suspended.

   process id/name
              The process or processes to suspend or resume.

   -accepteula Suppress the display of the license dialog.

   -          Help, display the supported options.

Suspend is desirable in cases where a process is consuming a resource (e.g. network, CPU or disk) that you want to allow different processes to use. Rather than kill the process that’s consuming the resource, suspending permits you to let it continue operation at some later point in time.

When installing psSuspend.exe just ensure it is placed somewhere in either the system PATH or in the current directory.

When launched for the first time, PsSuspend will create the regkey


Suspend the notepad.exe process on \\workstation64

C:\> pssuspend64.exe \\workstation64 notepad.exe

“Gentlemen you can’t fight in here - this is the war room” ~ President Muffley (Dr. Strangelove)

Related commands

PsKill - Kill processes by name or process ID.

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