List all Internet Explorer/Edge Trusted Sites

Trusted Sites for Edge can be set in the GUI, they will only affect websites opened in IE mode:

Control panel ➞ Internet Options ➞ Security ➞ Trusted sites ➞ Sites.

The script below uses REG query to lookup the Trusted Sites list, when managed by Group Policy this list is greyed out in the GUI.

@echo off
:: TrustedSites.cmd
:: Display Trusted sites and Intranet sites for /f "tokens=* skip=2 delims=" %%G in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMapKey"') do ( call :sub "%%G") pause goto :eof :sub set _ie=%1 set _ie=%_ie:"=% set _ie=%_ie:REG_SZ= - % set _ie=%_ie: 0= My Computer% set _ie=%_ie: 1= Local Intranet Zone% set _ie=%_ie: 2= Trusted sites Zone% set _ie=%_ie: 3= Internet Zone% set _ie=%_ie: 4= Restricted Sites Zone% echo %_ie%

The subroutine is used to decode the five Zone numbers and provide a more meaningful output.

"I like to trust people in general - it’s the southern girl in me” ~ Amber Heard

Related commands

REG - Registry: Read, Set, Export, Delete keys and values.

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