Time Zone Utility.

      TZUTIL /g | /l | /s "TimeZoneValue[_dstoff]" | /?

   /g   Display the current time zone value.

   /l   List all valid time zone values and display names in the following format:

   /s   Set the time zone to TimeZoneValue
        The _dstoff suffix will disable Daylight Savings Time adjustment
        for the time zone (where applicable).

   /?  Display help.

TZUTIL does not require elevation, the time zone only applies to the current logged in user.


Display the current time zone id

%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\tzutil.exe /g

Set the current time zone to Pacific Standard Time

tzutil /s "Pacific Standard Time"

Set the current time zone to Pacific Standard Time and disable Daylight Saving Time adjustment

tzutil /s "Pacific Standard Time_dstoff"

“We have a normal. As you move outside of your comfort zone, what was once the unknown and frightening becomes your new normal” ~ Robin S. Sharma

Related commands

DATE - Display or change the date.
TIME - Display or set the system time.
Time Zones - A full, sortable list of time zones.
W32TM - Time Service.
PowerShell: Get-TimeZone / Set-TimeZone

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