
Export information about currently-defined aliases to a file.

      Export-Alias [-path] string  [[-name] string[]]
         [-as {Csv | Script}] [-append] [-description string]
            [-scope string] [-force]  [-passThru] [-noClobber]
               [-whatIf] [-confirm] [CommonParameters]
   -path string
       The path to the file where the alias information will be stored.
       Wildcards are permitted, but the resulting path value must resolve to a
       single file name. This parameter is required.

   -name string
       The name(s) of the aliases to export.
       Separate multiple names with commas, (default=all aliases)
       By default, Export-Alias exports all aliases in the session or scope.
       Pass the object created by this cmdlet along the pipeline.
   -as ExportAliasFormat
       Format output as comma-separated (CSV) or (Script).
       Script will create a Set-Alias command for each exported alias. If the
       output file is named with a .ps1 filename extension, it can be run
       as a script to add the aliases to any session.

       Append output to the specified file, rather than overwrite.
   -description string
       Add a description to the exported file. The description appears
       at the top of the file, following the header information. It is
       preceded by a # symbol.
   -scope string
       Either a named scope: "global", "local", or "script"; or a number
       to indicate the scope level. Scope = 0 = current scope
       Increasing the scope value by 1 will increate the scope to include the
       parent scope of the current scope. 
       Do not overwrite an existing file, -Append will take precendence over -NoClobber.
       Override the read-only attribute on the output file.
       By default, Export-Alias will overwrite files without warning, unless the
       read-only or hidden attribute is set or -NoClobber is used.
       The -NoClobber parameter takes precedence over -Force when both are used in a command.

       The Force parameter cannot force Export-Alias to overwrite files with the hidden attribute.

       Describe what would happen if you executed the command without actually
       executing the command.
       Prompt for confirmation before executing the command.

Standard Aliases for Export-Alias: epal

Header information output by Export-Alias, each is preceded by the # comment symbol:
Alias File, Exported by, Date/Time and Machine.

The -as Script output is in the format of a set-alias command.


Export alias information to alias.txt formatted as a series of Set-Alias commands:

PS C:> Export-Alias -path alias.txt -as script

Append the aliases in the current session to Alias.csv, use -Force to append to any existing Alias.csv file, even if it has the read-only attribute set:

PS C:> Export-Alias -path alias.csv -append -description "Appended Aliases" -force

“Be the change you want to see in the world” ~ Mohandas Gandhi

Related PowerShell Cmdlets

import-alias - Import an alias list from a file.
get-alias - Return alias names for Cmdlets.
new-alias - Create a new Cmdlet-alias pairing.
set-alias - Map an alias to a Cmdlet.
Equivalent bash commands: useradd - Create new user accounts.

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