
Get the services on the local computer.

      Get-Service { [-name] string[] | -displayName string[]
                                     | -inputObject ServiceController[] }
         [-ComputerName string[]] [-DependentServices] 
             [-include string[]] [-exclude string[]]
                [-RequiredServices] [CommonParameters]
       Service names to retrieve. Wildcards are permitted. 
       Display names of services to retrieve. Wildcards permitted.

       ServiceController object(s) to retrieve.
       A variable containing objects or a command / expression that
       gets the objects.

   -ComputerName string[]
       Get the services running on the specified computers.
       The default is the local computer.

       Type the NetBIOS name, an IP address, or a fully qualified domain
       name of a remote computer.
       To specify the local computer, type the computer name, a dot (.), or "localhost".

       This parameter does not rely on PowerShell remoting.

       Get only the services that depend upon the specified service. 
       By default, Get-Service gets all services.

       Retrieve only the Service Name(s) specified.
       Qualifies the -Name parameter, Wildcards are permitted.

       Omit the Service Name(s) specified.
       Qualifies the -Name parameter, Wildcards are permitted.

       Get only the services that this service requires. 

       This parameter gets the value of the ServicesDependedOn property of the service.
       By default, Get-Service gets all services.

Standard Aliases for Get-Service: gsv

By default, Get-Service will return all the services on the computer.


Get all the services on the computer.:

PS C:\> Get-Service

Get the two services called, bits and power (if they exist):

PS C:\> Get-Service bits, power

Get all the services on the remote computer Server64:

PS C:\> Get-Service -computername Server64

Get services with names that begin "WMI" and sort the result by the service status (running/stopped):

PS C:\> Get-Service wmi* | Sort-Object status

Display only services that are currently running:

PS C:\> Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq 'Running'}

Status is only one property of service objects, to see all the properties: Get-Service | get-member
To retrieve the description of a service use the Win32_Service CIM class:

PS C:\> Get-CimInstance win32_service |
Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'Schedule'} |
Format-List Name, Description

"Events dear boy, events” ~ Harold Macmillan (response when asked "what is most likely to blow governments off course")

Related PowerShell Cmdlets

An improved Get-Service via Win32_Service from
New-Service - Create a new service.
- Restart a stopped service.
- Resume a suspended service.
- Make and set changes to the properties of a service.
- Start a stopped service.
- Stop a running service.
- Suspend a running service.
Windows cmd command: NET START / SC - Service Control.

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