How-to: Get the Operating System and Service Pack level

Using WMI/CIM to find the OS version on a remote machine is a one line command:
PS C:\> Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem -computer 'computer64' | Select-Object Name, version, servicepackmajorversion, BuildNumber, CSName, OSArchitecture, OperatingSystemSKU

This can be written as a simple one line function, or see below for a fuller example:

Function get-ver{
   (Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem) | Select-Object Caption, Version, BuildNumber

A function which accepts a ComputerName and returns the OS/version:


function Get-OSVersion {
    Get the OS Version

    The function gets the version of the Operating System on
    a local or remote computer.

    .Parameter ComputerName
    Enter the name of a local or remote computer. The default
    is the local computer ("localhost").

    .Parameter LogFile
    Enter the name of a file
    Get-OSVersion reads the OS properties from the Win32_OperatingSystem WMI/CIM class.


    Displays several strings with different system information.
    The ComputerName and Service pack can optionally be output to a log file.


    get-osVersion Server64 

    # Get all computers with a name ending with db
    $comps = get-adcomputer -filter {name -like "*db"} | Select-Object name
    # Then pipe the list of computer names to get-osversion
    $ | get-osversion

    # Read a list of computernames from a file and write all the OS versions to a log file.
    $computers = Get-Content c:\demo\computerlist.txt
    $computers | ForEach-Object {get-osversion $_ -logfile List_of_versions.txt}

Param (

    Write-Host "[$ComputerName]"

    if( (Test-Connection $ComputerName -Quiet -count 1)) {
        $osinfo = Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem -computer $ComputerName
        $osinfo | Select-Object Name, version, servicepackmajorversion,
        BuildNumber, CSName, OSArchitecture, OperatingSystemSKU

        $os = $osinfo.Name     # OS Name
        $bitness = $osinfo.OSArchitecture  # 32 or 64 bit
        $build = $osinfo.BuildNumber       # Build Number
        $machineName = $osinfo.CSName      # Name of the machine
        $edition = $osinfo.OperatingSystemSKU  # Windows Edition (home, enterprise etc)

        "Computer: $ComputerName Build: $build   Bitness: $bitness   Edition: $edition"

        # "Full OS String: $os"
        if ($Logfile) {
           "$ComputerName : $build : $bitness : $edition" |
           Out-File -append -filepath $Logfile
    else {
        Write-Error "$ComputerName Not Responding"

}  # End of PROCESS block / next ComputerName

The function can be added to an existing script or psprofile, or module or just pasted into the current session.
You can then run the function:

PS C:\> Get-OSVersion
PS C:\> Get-OSVersion computer64

“The hero has died as a modern man; but as eternal man - perfected, unspecific, universal man, - he has been reborn” ~ Joseph Campbell

Related PowerShell Cmdlets

PowerShell versions and OS compatibility.
Get-CimInstance - Get WMI class information.
OS Version - How to retrieve the OS version in PowerShell (several methods compared).
psp - PowerShell Ping - test if a machine is online.
VER - Display version information.
WQL (WMI Query Language) -

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